Amazonas W-Flow Premium Swim Spa
2 pladserThe Amazonas model is designed for swimming enthusiasts. Choose our Amazonas swim spa for your home, a product that embodies in one the perfect tool for an afternoon workout and a place to relax with your children. And, with the W-Flow system, you can set up individual workout programmes to suit your preferences. At almost 2.5 m wide and 5.5 m long, it has a prestigious look and an updated design. Thanks to its semi-cabinet design, you don’t have to bother with the very costly and time-consuming installation work; all you have to do is just simply use the swim spa.

Eksklusivt LED-lys
Det eksklusive kromoterapilys er et direkte undervandsstemningslys, der er integreret i spaens sidevæg. Det består af 10 til 20 LED’er, afhængigt af spatypen, som lyser op i harmoni med den centrale undervandskromoterapibelysning, der er installeret i spaen.
Giver 20 % friskere vand, når det bruges med den rette mængde klor, sammenlignet med traditionelle systemer, og sikrer perfekt vandklarhed.
Energibesparende W-EC-cirkulationspumpe
Vandcirkulationspumpe med meget lavt energiforbrug (190 W/t). Lavt energiforbrug, lang levetid og støjsvag drift gør dette til et miljøvenligt, omkostningseffektivt produkt.
10 years warranty on the shell structure
3 years warranty for the engineering parts
Product specification
Aquasoul™ Pro 4.1 circle flat lydsystem
Polyskum (2 cm)
Krystalrent system, Ozmix™ system
Energibesparende W-EC-cirkulationspumpe (0,25 kW)
HorizontSide™ eller semi-jordisk UV-bestandig træstruktureret plast
Sterling sølv / grå, Sterling sølv/ brun
1250 kg
550 × 235 × 147 cm
25 eksklusive LED-lys
Smartphone™-app med WiFi
1 x 35A 230V/50Hz minimum*, 1 x 60A 230V/50Hz optimal
1 stk. 3 HK med én hastighed (230V/50Hz), 1 stk. 3 HP med dobbelt hastighed (230V/50Hz)
8000 l
svømmeområde / 2 siddepladser
25 eksklusive LED-lys
The information on prices and technical specifications of the products in the online store is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer, Wellis Hungary Ltd. reserves the right to make changes without prior notice.